Two Great Things

Well, after a long hiatus I’m more than due for an entry. I promise my absence isn’t unwarranted – I’ve got some big things in the works….so your patience is much appreciated! One such thing is a vinyl-tribute Together shoot with Megan and Mitchell. What better time to give you a sneak peek of some images than the day before Record Store Day? I came up with this concept awhile ago and it fits M & M perfectly. Huge thanks to Mitchell for sharing his collection (and for letting me take the albums out of their protective wrapping)!
Many more to come from that shoot in the future!

Are you planning on purchasing vinyl tomorrow? I can’t wait to go to Amoeba and pick up some albums. NPR Music put together an awesome list of Record Store Day perks – check it out for more info. I love that Jukebox the Ghost made this list!

The second great thing about tomorrow? It’s Rebecca’s birthday!! Bec is amazing. She is always up for an adventure, and she brings unconditional love, fun, and joy into my life. Here’s a photo of her on her birthday last year, enjoying a tasty milkshake.
These next couple are from a recent trip we took with Ellen down to San Diego. Isn’t Becca gorgeous?
Had to include this gem from our trip to the Children’s Museum…typical silliness! (And you’re never too old for a children’s museum, FYI).

I hope you all have fabulous things planned for this weekend! Happy Friday!