Happy Birthday Jennie!

Today is Jennie‘s birthday, which is obviously cause for grand celebration. I love and respect Jennie for so many reasons. For the way she never turns down a challenge, for how she constantly focuses on the best things in life, and for how much she shows her love for other people. For her love of snuggling. For her adoration of 90s music. For her brilliant culinary skills. For the nights we spend laughing, drinking wine and eating pizza together with our boyfriends. For how much she cares about the environment and making this world a better place.  For the way she handles any crisis – like, say, if a shard of glass is stuck in your foot, or if someone falls hundreds of feet off of a cliff at your photo shoot – with grace and a cool head. I know I can go to Jennie with anything and she would listen calmly and then tell me exactly what she thinks without holding back. She is a true friend. I could go on and on, but this list is truly endless.

Here is a photo of Jennie from our recent adventure to Paso Robles. Lovely!
Here is a snapshot of the two of us from my birthday two weeks ago. See? I just love her.

Jennie, even though we’ve only known each other a couple of years, we’ve already shared countless awesome adventures. I can’t wait for many more!! Happy birthday!