Studio DIY // Balloon Time New Year’s Eve

Can I just say how much I love that balloons and confetti have become such a regular part of life? This is all thanks to the confetti queen herself, Kelly over at Studio DIY! As I briefly mentioned in my massive 2013 photo recap, we recently signed on with Balloon Time in an exciting partnership! Over the next six months, Kelly will be creating awesome crafts and party ideas for Balloon Time, and I get to document all of the fun. These images are from our first installment - a New Year's Eve balloon party! See lots more info (with how-to links) over on Studio DIY, and here on Balloon Time! New Year's might be over, but it's never too late for a balloon-filled soiree!

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Life // Christmas Tree Bonfire 2013

Among Thanksgiving, pumpkin carving, and my birthday trip to Malibu Wines is another of my favorite LA family annual traditions - our Christmas tree bonfire on the beach! This event is such a magical way to kick off the New Year, and there's nothing quite like seeing trees sitting in the sand by the ocean. We went all out for last year's 2013 bonfire, and I'm so excited to finally share those images now! You can also see them featured here on Mozi Magazine.

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Published // Print & Web Features

I'm incredibly excited to announce the publication of my first wedding in a print magazine! The UK magazine Wedding Flowers & Accessories features a full spread of Jessica and Eli's DIY San Diego wedding in their January/February issue, available on newsstands now! You can bet I asked my favorite London resident, Becca, to grab me a few!

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