The Effortless Chic // Mara of M Loves M

The fabulous Jen Pinkston over on The Effortless Chic recently kickstarted a series entitled "Her Style" and I was thrilled when she asked me to photograph Mara of M Loves M for one of the features! I've been following Mara's blog for quite awhile, so it was wonderful finally meeting her in person. You can see Mara's full interview here!

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Sugar & Charm // Sugarfina

I was beyond excited when Eden over at Sugar & Charm asked me to photograph her In the Mix series at Sugarfina in Beverly Hills! This shop has absolutely stunning light, and the candy is so unique and delicious (apple pie gummies, champagne bears, caramel robins eggs...I was in heaven)! Check out the full feature here on Sugar & Charm. Here are some of my favorite images from our visit - a huge thanks to Rosie and all of the Sugarfina staff for treating us so wonderfully!

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Life // Big Bear 2014

My dear friends Jeff and Jennie plan a trip to Big Bear every year for a weekend filled with skiing, a hot tub, games, food, and a lot of laughter. This was the first year I joined for the fun, and I'm SO glad I did! A bunch of us had "the best time" wandering the town while the others skiied (yes, I'm from New Hampshire, but no, I don't ski...childhood fear!), and then we spent the night playing a ridiculous made up game involving Catch Phrase, Charades, and Cards Against Humanity and eating burritos and quesadillas made by Chef Paul. Here are a few photos from our time in this lovely place!

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