Interior Design // Vibrant Vintage-Inspired Apartment

Cameron Humphrey is a woman of many talents. She's an incredible floral designer, makes a fabulous cocktail, has an awesome sense of humor, designs gorgeous glasses over at Bombshell Bargoods, styles fashion shoots, and has the perfect eye for a mid-century 1960s aesthetic over on her blog Hello Lady! Basically, I'm her biggest fan. On top of that long list, she's also a brilliant interior designer. Cameron's apartment shows off her amazing design sensibility, DIY skills, and stunning use of color - wouldn't you love to live here?!

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Meet Make Do // Palm Springs Blogger Retreat

Earlier this year I had the opportunity of a lifetime - to follow around 11 incredibly creative ladies at a blogger retreat in Palm Springs sponsored by Bing. This event, Meet/Make/Do, was the brainchild of Kelly of Studio DIY, Chelsea of Lovely Indeed, and Brittni of Paper + Stitch. There are really no words that quite describe just how lucky I feel to have documented this beautiful idea. It was a whirlwind three days of DIYs, thoughtful conversations, delicious food, inspirational ideas, and adventures around Palm Springs. A few months have gone by since it all took place, and it's about time I finally share my experience! Here are some of my favorite images from Meet/Make/Do, starting with this vintage VW van I spotted on my way into town. I immediately thought of my boyfriend, Mike. Chelsea shows how to make this awesome painted air bell cup here! I was tickled to receive this package as an invitation. Huey Lewis, as this cactus is now known, lives on of my kitchen windowsill. I've since spotted this giant blowup swan all over the Internet!

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Life // Nickel Creek at the Wiltern

I mentioned awhile back that I wanted to post more personal photos/smaller entries, and I can't see a better place to start than with this week's incredible Nickel Creek concert at the Wiltern. There's something about great live music that fills up my soul in a way I can't quite describe - it makes me smile uncontrollably, brings tears to my eyes, and makes me feel so grateful for life and all of its emotion. I first discovered the bluegrass band Nickel Creek in the summer of 2007, just as they were disbanding for an indefinite amount of time. I remember walking through Boston's South End with my pink iPod and being completely blown away by what I was hearing. Assuming they would never get back together, I took solace in the fact that they had created songs I'd carry with me for a lifetime.

Fast forward six and a half years and Nickel Creek came out of the woodwork to announce - surprise! - a brand new album! I knew this could only mean one thing...a tour. My dear friend, Nikki, and I obsessively clicked "refresh" the morning of the pre-sale and somehow both wound up with tickets in the pit section. Cue ridiculously excited texting, three months of anxious anticipation, and educating our boyfriends on the full Nickel Creek discography. Wednesday night, on the 21st of May (which also happens to be a song title off of their new album), our dream came true and we saw Nickel Creek ridiculously up close and personal. They were unreal. I was blown away by their talent and loved how much fun they were clearly having on stage. The very last song of the encore, "Where is Love Now", gave me all of the feels - if you haven't heard it, I encourage you to listen!

This week has been an awesome whirlwind. I've been running at full speed with shoots and preparing for Mike and my big trip to Michigan/NH (we leave Sunday!!). This concert made this epic week that much better, and I'm so thankful for it.

To close out, a photo to forever commemorate a very special night.

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