DIY // Watermelon Balloon for #amelonaday

I first came across the hashtag #amelonaday when browsing Instagram and was instantly intrigued by the bounty of creative, colorful melon photos on the feed. Come to find out, Maz McWilliams of Digs Apparel came up a super artistic way to raise awareness for Traumatic Brain Injury. I'm incredibly inspired by the way he has used a personal tragedy to create something beautiful, how he has built a huge community around this cause, and how people have made some truly awesome images in response to it.

This past Saturday was the first #melonmeet. I couldn't attend the Los Angeles meet up but still wanted to do something virtually - so Mike suggested I make a watermelon balloon! I'm certainly no Studio DIY, but I had fun crafting something special for this. You can read more about Maz's background for #amelonaday here, and be sure to check out the official website here. Here are some photos of my project! All I used was a three foot red balloon and a black craft marker - easy, but a bit tedious!

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Life // Independence Day 2014

Los Angeles feels more like summer than ever (anyone else melting out there??), so now's as good a time as any to share some favorites from this year's July 4th photo booth! We kicked off this tradition last year at Paul's house, and this year we had even more fun! Bubbles, a watermelon pinata (courtesy of Mike), Presidential face props...! The Fourth of July is one of my absolute favorite holidays, and I'm so happy to have spent it with all of these wonderful friends and that they so willingly participate with my photo antics. At the end of the night we all walked up the hillside to see dozens of fireworks going off over Los Angeles. Truly the good life.

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Sweet & Caffeinated // Coffee + Food on Melrose

Coffee + Food is my favorite Los Angeles location for drip coffee - and today I'm sharing my latest visit over on Garlic My Soul! Here are some photos from my tasty adventure!

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