I first came across the hashtag #amelonaday when browsing Instagram and was instantly intrigued by the bounty of creative, colorful melon photos on the feed. Come to find out, Maz McWilliams of Digs Apparel came up a super artistic way to raise awareness for Traumatic Brain Injury. I'm incredibly inspired by the way he has used a personal tragedy to create something beautiful, how he has built a huge community around this cause, and how people have made some truly awesome images in response to it.
This past Saturday was the first #melonmeet. I couldn't attend the Los Angeles meet up but still wanted to do something virtually - so Mike suggested I make a watermelon balloon! I'm certainly no Studio DIY, but I had fun crafting something special for this. You can read more about Maz's background for #amelonaday here, and be sure to check out the official website here. Here are some photos of my project! All I used was a three foot red balloon and a black craft marker - easy, but a bit tedious!