Let's just pretend that this entry was posted tiny bit earlier in 2015, cool?! Last year I made a giant photo recap of business work and personal adventures, but this year I have to split them up! I am SO RIDICULOUSLY GRATEFUL (yep, I'm shouting over here!) for how things have grown in 2014 - for the fellow creatives I've had the privilege to work with, for the awesome couples who picked me to capture their big day, for the support you've all shown me, and most of all, for the fact that I get to wake up every day and do what I love. I feel so lucky not only to have a huge passion in this life, but to have the opportunity to carry out that passion.
I'm going to be honest here. This was my first full year of going freelance without any other means of work, and I'll admit (perhaps against my better judgement) - it was terrifying. It's scary relying completely on your own craft for your income/medical insurance/tax payments/all of that annoying yet necessary adult stuff. That being said, it's also more fulfilling than anything else I've ever done. I love that I control my own schedule, that I can go for a long run in the late morning and edit through the evening hours, that I can take a coffee date at 1pm or take a break from what I'm doing to compose a photo that just popped into my head. More than anything, I love that I get to photograph such beautiful, inspiring things all the time.
I traveled to the east coast nine times this year for projects, and while that might've been a bit more "bi-coastal" than I bargained for, it was such a good way of constantly seeing my surroundings in a new light. I feel like I really found my style this year, and the voice that I want to have as an artist. This year also helped me realize something pretty obvious - I'm a photographer of happy things. Of weddings, DIY projects with balloons, beautiful fashion, talented musicians, delicious food, inspiring spaces - all of these lovely things fuel my brain and also bring a smile to my face. 2014 started out with the incredible Bing-sponsored blogger retreat in Palm Springs put together by Studio DIY, Lovely Indeed, and Paper + Stitch, and I think it was such an amazing setup for a very joyful, colorful year. On top of weddings and engagements, I also continued my partnership with Kelly and Balloon Time, with Jen Pinkston of The Effortless Chic, and with Camille Styles, plus I had a chance to connect with so many incredible people throughout Los Angeles and the country. Here is a sampling of many of my 2014 projects - and truly, I do this more for myself than anyone else. Sometimes I feel like I'm moving at such a fast pace that I need to remind myself to breathe in, take step back, stop comparing myself to everyone on Instagram, and reflect on what I've made with some joy. So here we go! Thank you, thank you, thank you for joining me on this ride.