Married // Lauren & John // Newport Beach

This day was so gorgeous and joyful, start to finish. Lauren and John (or Lo and JJ, as they are known to their loved ones) were such fun to be around! They decided to have their wedding close to Lauren's grandparents' house in Big Canyon, at a park that she frequented as a kid. They held a laid back Sunday afternoon picnic reception full of games, great BBQ, and creative touches. We topped off the day with a perfect beach sunset! I absolutely loved this wedding and had so much fun getting to know Lauren and John and their sweet families. Here are some (or many) favorites!

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The Heart Cake // Year Five

Ah, the heart cake! Year FIVE! How time does fly. This year Garlic, My Soul took over the full baking of the cake and it might just be my favorite one yet! We had a fun early morning brunch with some of our dearest friends - because you should always eat cake for breakfast!

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Floral Friday // Super Bowl

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