A Small Taste of Home

I had the great pleasure of photographing a wedding close to my hometown in New Hampshire this past weekend. It was a whirlwind trip – I took a red eye on Friday night, photographed on Saturday and Sunday, then flew back to LA on Monday.  I’m doing the same thing again in a mere 8 days, when I go back to New England to photograph another two weddings over Labor Day weekend. You know what? I love it. I love traveling, I love having the opportunity to capture such a special day, and on top of everything, I LOVE that I get to see family and friends on the east coast.

Here are some photographs from my quick trip home (although the massive amount of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee I drank went undocumented…).

The trip went by far too fast, and to be honest, I’d forgotten how much I missed my home state in all of it’s lush, quiet splendor. I’m relieved I get to return again so soon! Rebecca is traveling with me next weekend, so you can bet there will be far more photos from my next east coast adventure 🙂