Our Los Angeles family gathered together this weekend around a winter bonfire to say farewell to Rebecca before she begins a new adventure in London! It was the coldest, windiest bonfire in my recollection, but it turned out to be the best yet. Here are some photos of the lady of honor – words cannot express how much I’ll miss this face.We a had a bit of trouble getting the fire going, due to the high winds. Teamwork made it happen!
Did I mention it was cold?
The bonfire was going along nicely, as usual. Jeff had just taken a bunch of group photos on his camera, and the rest of us went back to our business…
A few minutes later, I turned around to see this:
That sneaky man didn’t tell a single soul he was going to do it. We were all completely surprised (especially Jennie)! While Jeff might be sneaky, he’s also quite smart. He made sure I had my camera in hand (although I was definitely unprepared for this kind of occasion!!), and he recorded a video and sound of the whole thing. Yes, this gentleman even wore a microphone. Brilliant. We had the best time watching reactions to the news as more people arrived throughout the night, and it was awesome listening to the proposal through headphones…made me cry uncontrollably all over again!
I can honestly say that this is one of the very best things I’ve ever seen – two friends who I love SO MUCH, embarking on this amazing new chapter together. Jeff and Jennie are an incredible, unstoppable team. Thank you both for bringing boundless joy into the lives of everyone you know! Congratulations!!!
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