I’ll admit, I was relieved when 2011 ended. It was a busy and exciting year, but it was also overwhelming. It included major career changes, very personal losses, a lack of sleep, and constant transitions. That said, going through my photos from 2011 was an awesome reminder that every year (even my lesser favorites) includes some amazing moments. Here’s a visual sampling of some of my favorites spent with friends and family!
We dubbed 2011 the Year of High Adventure and kicked things off by burning Christmas trees at the beach!
We also discovered that Ryan can fly:
My friend Ana took Becca, Jen and I to Disneyland – it was my first time, and I smiled from ear to ear all day long!
Our book club, inspired by The Hunger Games, took an archery class together:
Corelyn was the winner of the archery contest, with Jess as the runner up!
I saw The Decemberists in concert over Valentine’s Day weekend and made this little tribute to them:
Becca and I learned how to make a cake with a heart inside of it! I made one specifically for a photo with George (because I’m nuts):
I went to New Orleans for the first time ever in celebration of Ashley’s bachelorette party!
We all put on some crazy outfits for a night out at the Krewe de Vieux parade!
The Blingz, a groundbreaking all-female hip-hop group, were formed by myself, Giovanna, and Shannon:
Music everywhere!
The Garden District:
George, Ashley, Lucas & I spent a day driving to their wedding venue in Camarillo and around Malibu:
Alyssa, one of my best friends from high school, came to visit LA with her boyfriend, Terence:
We went to the Huntington Library, where the boys forced us to go on 2 hour garden tour (our attention spans aren’t really suited for guided tours…):
Terence, always a charmer!
All of us at the Getty Center:
George & Neil ran the 2011 LA Marathon:
It was the rainiest day we had all year…of course.
I photographed at the LA Wine Riot and made some great new discoveries, like Proof Wine Collective:
Jam Jar makes a great, affordable sweet shiraz:
I also found I Heart Pies…delicious.
Megan and I attended the LA Pillow Fight, and were covered in feathers for days to follow:
We had a 12 hour scavenger hunt! Here’s the awesome blue team:
Some crazy things happened! Check out Megan’s INCREDIBLE video of the day, if you haven’t already. (I just watched it again and am now crying laughing!)
I photographed my sweet friend, Ellen, in the woods:
We celebrated Becca & Jess’ birthdays with some games in the park!
We pulled an oven (and lots of other stuff) onto the beach for a sunrise photo shoot with Garlic, My Soul:
I took some fun photos of Jess with a GIANT lollipop:
Ashley and I had an adventure with a turquoise parasol:
I took photos of Corelyn before she moved back east:
Also, there’s no photo documentation of this, but April was the month I became a full time photographer/retoucher for Forever21’s website!
We went berry picking:
I celebrated my 25th birthday at Saddlerock Winery! Stole this pic from Jeff 🙂
Jess gave me this amazing yellow parasol!
I finished my 365:
Ashley & Lucas got married!!!
The Blingz were reunited:
 Jeff & Jennie celebrated their birthdays with a day at the beach:
One of my favorite photos of Jess, maybe ever.
George & I discovered Sip Winery in Malibu, where they let me take some behind-the-scenes photos!
Next up – July through December!
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